
Customized 2014 BDJ Power Planner - Limited Edition


Being an OC, I want everything to be organized and in order. That is why having a planner is very essential for me especially as a student. I do need to schedule my activities for me to do things on time. Over the past years I've been using planners that you can buy in bookstores, the plain and boring ones. I've been looking for a planner that is affordable and suits best for my needs. Hihi
Last 2012, my cousin introduce me to this wonderful planner, which is the BDJ Planner. I fell in love with it and we’re in a long term relationship ever since. This is true love! :') ♥♥♥

I love the way how my planner looks like, very girly and classy but I must admit that sometimes I wish of customizing/making my own planner to make it more personal and unique. But it seems impossible without spending some huge moolah. Fret not! Now, you can have your name customized on the cover of your planner and you don’t need to spend lots of moolah to have it! Sounds great right? The BDJ team really knows how to make us Bellas happy! J

Weeks before the BDJ FAIR (I did a separate post about the fair and you can read it HERE), they made an announcement about this awesome idea of having a customized planner for the year 2014.

The planner is originally 598 php each but you can have a 20% discount if you will pay on or before October 4, 2013. You will only need to pay 480 php (Planner) + 100 php (Customization Fee) to have your planner customized with your name. The moment I saw their FB post, I emailed them to reserve one for myself and for my two cousins as well. There are two designs to choose from, the original cover and the limited edition one. We chose the limited edition one.

I also joined a Facebook promo by them, the mechanics were easy to do, you only need to post their banner on your page and invite all your followers to attend the fair. You need to email them your name, link of the post on your page and wait if your entry will be chosen. Guess what? I WON! My prize is their FMN To Do List Notebook: Save/Do.

There's my name. Alyssa Francisco :) ♥

At the fair I also bought a Forget – me – not Journal: Focus in color yellow. I’m so mesmerized by the color and I think I need one for next semester. J

Take a look inside the 2014 planner and see what are the advantages and differences between this planner and the usual (plain, boring) planner you will see in bookstores. J

some of the coupons inside the planner :)

*** Photos with the VIVIAMO Watermark, grabbed from BDJ Facebook page :) ♥

That’s it! I hope you enjoyed reading this. If you have questions regarding this planner, you can visit www.belledejourpowerplanner.com, www.ilovebdj.com for more info!

FB page – http://facebook.com/belledejourpowerplanner


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