
My Week 07





This week has been a fruitful one. First, I've been able to blog regularly this past week so that's good. Second, I also managed to processed some papers required for work and a few personal paper works. Third, I celebrated the first anniversary of me being a Registered Medical Technologist. Had a day out with my colleagues. I'm so glad to finally able to spend some time with them after a long, long time. We hadn't seen each other for almost a year after we graduated, passed the boards and had our oath taking. We bonded over coffee and talk about a lot of things and some work stuff. I'm grateful to have them as my friends. Lastly, we had a Medical Mission in our Church over the weekend. I'm so happy to be a part of this wonderful program, to be a part of the Medical Team and be used by the Lord to share the Gospel to other people. It was a wonderful experience! I'm looking forward to join more ministries like this in the future! ☺

How has your week been?

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