Hump Day Currently


Hello there! How's your day? Hope you're all having a good one.

Btw, here's a new series that I will be running on my blog, inspired by the planner world's List of Currently.

Reading: Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

Writing: blog draft for my Saturday Scribbles (New Blog Series) first entry

Listening: Arctic Monkeys' One For The Road

Thinking: What should I revise first? Hematology notes or Clinical Chemistry notes?

Wearing: White Oversize Shirt and Pajamas

Loving: my new desk setup (it encourages me to study more and revise more notes)

Needing: New scrubs for work

Feeling: Happy and contented (life and career)

Eating: oatmeal with bananas

Drinking: a huge cuppa joe

*Inspired by the Sunday Currently thread from Siddathornton!

What's Yours?
Care to share?
Tell me in the comments! :)


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