


Hi guys! In this post, you will see everything about me. My favorites, like and dislikes
and everything that I believe in. I made this for you guys to know more about me,
to know what I'm like and what I do, even the things you can expect from me.
Here you go! :)

All about me

Me: Alyssa Myrthel R. Francisco
Nickname: AA, Yssa, Yssabelles
Birthday: September 13, 1994
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Male or Female: Female
Occupation: 4th yr college,
Medical Technology Student

Hair Colour: Light Brownish and Blackish :)
Hair Length: Just right above my booty :D
Eye colour: Brownish black
Best Feature: eyes, lips, cheeks
(I can't decide haha)
Height: 5'2"
Braces?: Nope
Glasses?: Nope
Piercing: EARS
Tattoos: NEVER!
Righty or Lefty: Righty

Your 'Firsts':
First best friend: Her name is Benjo, she's my bestfriend when
I was in Preschool, but now I have loads of besties!:)
First Award: Outstanding Pupil ( Nursery )
First Sport You Joined: Volleyball and Softball
First Real Vacation: I can't recall, Sorry!
First Concert: Never
First Love: My friend in high school,
I won't mention his name :p

Movie: The Clique, The Confessions of a Shopaholic,
Mean Girls 1 & 2 and many more!
TV Show: How I met your Mother, Two broke girls, 
Once upon a time, Grey's anatomy
Colours: YELLOW ♥
Candy: Gummy Bears
Restaurant: McDonalds, Starbucks & Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf
(Cafe), KFC
Store: Forever 21, Jellybean, So!Fab, Primadonna
and many more!!! :))
Book: The Clique Series, and many to mention,
I love reading books. I'm such a bookworm! hihi ♥
Magazine: Candy, Chalk, Seventeen
Shoes: Ballerina Flats, Sneakers, WEDGIES! ♥

Feeling: HAPPY! Because of the blessings that I got this month :D
and also feeling blue because I miss someone. :(
Single or Taken: Single
Eating: Potato Chips (Piattos)
Listening To: Wrecking Ball - Miley Cyrus
Thinking About: mi amore. ♥
Wanting: to visit Paris one day :)
Watching: Youtube Vids (Stilababe09)
Wearing: Plain White Tee and Orange Pajama Shorts 

Want Children?: Of course!
Want to be Married: a BIG YES! ♥
Careers in Mind: Medical Technologist or a Medical Doctor
Where do you want to live?: US or just stay here
in the Philippines

Have you ever:
Kissed a Stranger: NO!
Had Alcohol: NEVER!
Smoked: NEVER!
Ran Away From Home: NEVER!
Broken a bone: 
Got an X-ray: YES, required in school :)
Broken Someone's Heart: I think so? :/
Broke Up With Someone: YES :(
Cried When Someone Died: Of course!
Cried At School: Yes.

Do You Believe In:
Miracles: Of course!
Love At First sight: Maybe.
Ghosts: No.
Aliens: No.
Soul Mates: Yes :)
Heaven: YES!
Hell: Yes
Kissing on The First Date: Nope

Yourself: All the time ♥

Thanks for reading! :*

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