
A's Monthly Must Haves - September ♥


Hello sweeties! Last summer I was very fond of watching YouTube videos about beauty and fashion, I’m assuming that most of you know who Meredith Foster is (She’s one of the well-known beauty gurus in YouTube). This post is inspired by her “Mere’s Monthly Must Haves”. Every month she will upload a video about her favorites, from the beauty product she’s been using or the fashion piece she’s been wearing up to her favorite songs and movies of the month.
So, from the title itself, I’m gonna show you guys my monthly must haves or favorites all throughout the month of September.

I’m gonna start off with my beauty must-haves. First thing that I've been using this month is this;

      Maybelline Pure Liquid Mineral Foundation (Spf 18)

 Eyes Lips Face (ELF) Waterproof Lengthening & Volumizing Mascara

 Covergirl Lipstick in the shade “Smitten” (Shade 310)

Sassy Nail Polish in the shade “Nude”

 ELF Eyebrow Treat and Tame

Moving on to my Fashion must-haves;
The first thing is this,

Rose gold flats ( from Victory Mall )

Black Loafers ( Solemate)

 Black Circle Skirt (Forever 21)

Black Skinny Jeans (Genevieve Gozum)

         Teal Sneaker / Tennis Shoes (Kicks)

Now on to the Movies of the month:

 Silver Linings Playbook

World War Z

The Bling Ring

Mean Girls 2

The Notebook

Next are my favorite Books of the month:

Epic Fail – Claire LaZebnik

   Flirting with Boys – Hailey Abbott

      The Other Boy – Hailey Abbott

    What Happens to Goodbye – Sarah Dessen

Alphas -  Lisi Harrison

The Truth about Forever - Sarah Dessen

Next Summer - Hailey Abbott

Second Chance Summer - Morgan Matson

Freaked Out – Annie Bryant

Pretty Committee Strikes Back ( The Clique Series ) – Lisi Harrison

 Dial L for Loser (The Clique Series ) – Lisi Harrison

Lastly, my favorite songs of the month;

That’s it for my monthly must-haves! Please do visit and read my other posts, I’m sure you’re gonna like it too! Thanks, Bye! J

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