
My Belle De Jour Power Planner 2013


“ For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. – Jeremiah 29:11”

Being an OC individual, having a planner is really a MUST for me, especially as a student I want everything to be organized as much as possible so that I won’t cram to get my paper works done. I always make a checklist of the things I need to do and cross it off if I finished it already. (Sometimes, when I forgot to write something in my TDL that I already finished, I will write it down and cross it off, just for me to know that I already completed that certain task. Haha!)

 Of course, it pays to plan ahead. I needed a planner that will allow me to organize my busy life as a 4thyr MT student- Loving daughter – Full Time Servant of the Lord- Blogger Wannabe, so I can take advantage of all the opportunities, big or small, that come my way.  So here’s a picture of my planner / agenda:

It is the Belle De Jour Power Planner. My cousin was the one who introduced to me this planner. she actually gave me some coupons that I can use for myself. Though she's a long time Bella (I think it was around 2010 or 2011 when she first owned a BDJ Planner) she was not that active in the BDJ activities.

 I love having this planner because it keeps me organized all the time and this is where I write my To Do Lists, the deadline of my home works and other things that I needed to do that day or in a week.

What I love about this planner, it has a transparent pocket where you can put pictures, inspiring quotes, papers etc. What I did is, I put pictures of my family and also some pictures of me and  my best friend Rosette (She died last March 15, 2013 because of a lung malady). They serve as an inspiration in everything that I do. So if there comes a time that I want to give up because of the trials I will be facing in the future, I will only look at the pictures and know that there are always there to support and help me along the way.

It also has coupons inside that you can use when you go shopping at the mall. I can give the other coupons to my other friends as a gift, that way they can also benefit with the discounts and freebies that are included in the planner.  There are also inspirational quotes and phrases in every page to inspire every Bella who are using the BDJ Planner.

Here’s a snapshot of what you will see inside and of what I usually write in my planner. I use post-its to add some reminders or verses that can motivate me especially in examination week, where I usually don’t have the luxury of time to get a complete eight hours of sleep. I also write here the pointers for review in every subject that I’m taking that semester. It helps me a lot to maximize all the time that I have to review my lessons.

Today’s teens are busy people. It’s no longer enough to just play and go to school; the pressure and the drive to succeed have young people taking piano lessons, joining debate teams and running as a student council. Add friends, partying, and the Internet to the mix, and teens are blessed enough to even have time to sleep. Prioritizing helps a lot in focusing your attention and getting things done.

Having a goal and spending time to achieve it is important. But if it means that you never see your friends and family or that you’re sick from lack of sleep, then it’s time to rethink your methods. Maybe there are things you’re doing that shouldn't have priority over your loved ones and your well-being. Also, stay away from procrastination. Procrastination is the enemy of progress.

Final words about saving time and planning ahead, we should always seek for God’s guidance in everything that we do so that He will be the one who will help us to finished the tasks and achieve our goals. We should seek for the Lord’s will and the plans He has in store for us so that our plans will be melted into it. We should keep in mind that in everything that we do we should do it for the Glory of the Lord, that’s what 1 Cor. 10:31 say.

Bye for now!  God bless us all. :)

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